How to be a productive writer irrespective of your genre.

Ritiqa Pachauri
Oct 26, 2020

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

This is the quote that makes me a doer but before that a planner. I ensure that I plan my day before actually going after accomplishing it. And yes, I do believe in accomplishing my day. It’s my day. So, it’s supposed to be dealt my way. And my way is simple. Plan. Execute. Evaluate.

My morning starts with a hot piping cup of tea and my planner. I’m an old school when it comes to planning. Whether it’s my day or novels or my articles. Everything is done by paper and pen. So, the first fifteen minutes of my day starts with writing down the day’s tasks. The most important ones are dealt first and the least are taken up last.

When it comes to writing, I divide my work into two parts- Fiction and Non-Fiction. I don’t write a story everyday but when an idea pops up (which comes at rather odd times) it goes under the fiction category and my blog posts come under non fiction.

Planning is essential not only for writing but for everything else which seems we think is not important but it actually is. Like- meditation, yoga, shopping for diapers and taking the dog for a walk.

Planning is the first and foremost requirement to be a productive writer. But there are many other points as well.

Check out the full article from my website.

